To the Uttermost Parts of the World
There are numerous blessings that have come to the Cordova Baptist Church family as a result of our partnership with the Cordova Korean Baptist Church. We have been privileged to share both worship and fellowship times together on several holidays. We have built friendships with our Korean brothers and sisters in Christ. And we have deeply enjoyed having Pastor Shin and his family as faithful participants in our morning worship services each Sunday.
However, one of the most exciting events is coming up this summer. We are taking a mission trip together to South Korea from July 24th - August 5th. We will be spending some time touring Seoul, learning about the Korean people and their culture. A visit to the Demilitarized Zone is also planned, so that we can pray for God’s blessings on the people on both sides of the border. Then we will be going to Daejeon, where we will be conducting an “English Camp” and VBS for children at a Retreat Center. I know that God is going to richly bless this joint effort. There are several ways that you can be involved in this mission journey. You can begin praying now for the trip. Pray for God to prepare the hearts of those who are going, as well as for those to whom we will be ministering. Pray for God to supply the funds needed for this expensive trip. And finally, pray for God’s protection over our group as we travel and over the people who live in this unstable political environment.
You can also be involved in helping with this mission trip through your financial support. We are going to have several fundraisers to assist with the expenses of those who are going on the trip. Your participation and donations will be a tremendous help to all of us. The first event is a “Spaghetti Lunch” taking place this Sunday, May 21st, immediately following the worship service. There will be no charge for the meal, but all gifts will be greatly appreciated and will be allocated for the South Korean trip. We are excited to be working together on this Great Commission project, as we take the good news of Jesus Christ “to the uttermost parts of the world.”
Serving in love, Bro. Jim