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From Your Pastor's Heart 3-30-2020


There is a thin line between being “Safe at Home” and being “Stuck at Home.” For the kid “Growing Up On Dump Ground Road,” that line was crossed in the summer of 1966. He missed the final weeks of his 6th Grade year and the first week of 7th Grade, due to a diagnosis of Hepatitis. He was quarantined at home for the whole summer. For a twelve-year-old boy, that meant no baseball, no swimming, and no visiting with cousins and friends. He was confined to the small, green, frame house on the gravel road to the landfill. And back in those days, the summer school break was three months long.

The DGR kid was not the only one to suffer because of his diagnosis. His older brother, who shared a bed, and his elderly grandmother, who lived with them, had to take shots to prevent them from contracting the disease. His parents and other siblings had to be careful not to eat or drink after him. He was not allowed to go outside to play or to exert himself, so he escaped his usual summer chore of mowing the lawn.

The man that God developed from that young boy still hates the thought of being confined. I have never liked being home alone, partially as a result of that summer of restricted contact and limited activities. So, your pastor is struggling in many ways with our current predicament of “Safe at Home!” I miss the Sunday morning fellowship of our faith family. I miss the Monday lunches with our CBC band of brothers. I miss the camaraderie of our Wednesday night “Brown Bag Dinners” and the intimacy of our small group for Prayer Meeting. I miss the presence of our faithful Administrative Assistant of more than 35 years, Joyce Tate.

However, I heard a sermon only a week ago about the importance of making the most of what you have available to you and trusting God for the results. I think I preached that sermon about God doing big things with limited resources. That is what we are trying to do here, during this global crisis we are facing. With a skeleton crew, we are utilizing modern technology to keep our CBC family worship experience going. I hope you will tune in to watch on “Facebook Live” each Sunday and Wednesday. If you are unable to view it live, then check out the messages on YouTube or our website. I long to see you soon, but safety is our priority!

Serving in love,

Bro. Jim

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