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By the time you read this, Sandy and I should be home from our trip to Texas. No matter where we travel or how much fun we have, we are always glad to get back home. I am grateful for those who take care of things, while we are away. I praise God for our faithful staff: Joyce Tate, Ken Goldsby and Margie Whitney. I am thankful for our Deacon Chairman, Danny Evans, and for men in the church like David Yates, who are always willing to help in times of need. We have been blessed with a loving, supportive group of Deacons and wives, along with a sweet spirited congregation at CBC.

I want you to be aware that we will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper on Sunday, August 18th. This is one of the most special worship experiences for our church family. It is a great time for reflecting upon the high price that Jesus paid for our salvation. The bread and the cup are symbolic of His body and blood that were sacrificed for our sins. It is a great reminder of the depths of God’s love for us, that Christ willingly gave up His own life, so that we might have eternal life.

I also wanted to make you aware of the plan to dedicate the memorial plaque for Mary Rogers on Sunday, August 25th. After the morning worship service, we will move outside to the area beside the elevator. The commemorative plaque will be placed in the flower garden beside the elevator entrance. This is a most appropriate setting to honor such a sweet, nature loving lady, who was a wonderful blessing to our entire family. It will serve as a lovely reminder of Mary’s service to the Lord and tremendous impact on the lives of Cordova Baptist Church.

In closing, let me thank each one of you for allowing me to be a part of your life, as your Pastor and your friend. I am grateful for the opportunity to spend some time with my family and friends in Texas. Yet, after so many years in this place, there is no question about where we call “Home.” My commitment to the Lord has always been, and continues to be, that I will serve Him wherever He leads. Yet, He has chosen to leave us in this place of service for so many years. I praise Him, and thank you, for the abundant blessings we continue to receive!

Serving in love,

Bro. Jim



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