Sandy and I are excited to take part in our third annual Mid-South Baptist Association “Marriage Retreat.” We had a wonderful time in the two previous experiences. Last year was made even more special, as we shared this time with Bro. Ken and Cheryl Goldsby. We are all grateful to our CBC family for providing this opportunity for us to share this time together, once again!
We are blessed to have the privilege of working together with the churches in our area through the MSBA, and with our dedicated Executive Director, Mitch Martin. I have the honor of working closely with Mitch, both as the Moderator for the association and as President of the Pastor’s Conference. He has become a dear friend, a faithful servant of the Lord and a beloved brother in Christ. The MSBA supplements the cost of this marriage retreat, making it much more affordable for our churches and their staff members. I am happy to share that Bro. Mitch will be preaching in my absence on April 7th, as Sandy and I are celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary in California.
The Lord has truly blessed our church by allowing us to join together in sharing the Good News of Jesus in the Memphis area with so many faithful, dedicated brothers and sisters in Christ. The MSBA provides the opportunity for churches of various sizes and worship styles to work together for the common goal of spreading the Gospel to the lost in our area. I am proud to be working alongside my fellow pastors, many of whom have become dear friends, during my nearly forty years of service in the Mid-South.
Please join me in praying for this special gathering of minsters and wives taking place this week. The time commitment involved in ministry can put a stress and burden on a minster’s family and marriage. This retreat offers an opportunity for couples to focus on their relationship with one another, as well as giving some good food and great fun with other ministers. Once again, thank you for blessing Ken, Cheryl, Sandy and me with the chance to spend this time together!
Serving in love,
Bro. Jim