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It is no secret among those who know me well, that I am not a singer. I cannot carry a tune in a bucket. Yet, I love music and I enjoy making “a joyful noise unto the Lord.” My lack of talent does not keep me from being blessed by the musical abilities of others. God often speaks to my heart through a song shared by someone else.

About 35 years ago, my family and I were at Ridgecrest Conference Center. It was a very stressful time in my life, pastoring a church with three kids in private school. My wife, Sandy, was also working fulltime. We would often wave to each other in passing, as we shuttled our children to different school activities. The trip to Ridgecrest was a much needed “getaway” for all of us. The children were kept busy with fun events, so Sandy and I were free to enjoy the classes and worship services offered for us.

It was at one of those services that I first heard this song by Charles Billingsley. His dad was a pastor, who had always served smaller churches. And he wrote this song, thinking about his parents. It is entitled: “God Is Keeping Score.” The song speaks about his father’s faithfulness to the Lord and to the people whom he served. He tells of his mother’s loving support of his dad and the ministry. The song deeply touched our hearts, at a time when we needed it most!

I don’t have space to share the whole song with you, but I am going to share the chorus:

“So, here’s to all the unsung heroes, who labor for the faith. For all the hands you hold, all the seeds you sow, along life’s narrow way. There’s no trophy for your service, but treasures are in store. So, don’t worry, don’t you worry. God is keeping score.”

We are told in Proverbs 15:3, “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” God is aware of our every act of service and ministry!

Serving in love,

Bro. Jim


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