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We read in the third chapter of the “Epistle of James” about the untamable tongue, and the damage that it can do. James warns us that this “little member,” which “boasts great things,” can be as destructive as a forest fire and can defile the whole body. He notes that while every kind of beast and bird, reptile and sea creature, can be tamed by mankind, “no man can tame the tongue.” He describes the human tongue as “an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.”

The Apostle James illustrates his point by stating that with the same tongue men “bless our God and Father” and “curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God.” He notes that these things should not happen, but they do repeatedly. Such duality does not occur in nature, either with water sources or plant life, but from the mouths of men can come both blessing and cursing.

The only way to bring our tongues under control is to surrender our lives totally and completely to the Lordship of Christ. Even then, as followers of Jesus, we must be on guard that our manner of speaking is consistent with our profession of faith. We must allow the indwelling presence of God’s Spirit to be evident in what we say, as well as in what we do. For our words not only reflect what we are thinking, but to whom we belong. When we yield our lives to the Lord, we also surrender our tongues to Him!

A wonderful prayer can be found in Psalm 19:14 that every believer should use to start each new day. King David wrote: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” We all know the pain and heartache that can be inflicted on others by an unruly tongue. As we continue to strive to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, let us be faithful to show His love by speaking to one another in love!

Serving in love, Bro. Jim


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