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We read in Psalm 46:7, “The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.” This psalm speaks of God’s care and protection of His people, even in times of distress. The verse emphasizes the Lord’s unwavering commitment to His people. His divine power and presence serve as a source of strength and comfort. The picture of God as our “refuge” or “fortress” is one of peace and safety in the midst of warfare. There are wars taking place around us. Yet, God is seen as the mighty warrior, who fights the battles for His people to protect them from harm.

I am sure the word “fortress” triggers a variety of thoughts in each one of us, based on our background. For the boy, “Growing Up on Dump Ground Road,” a fortress brings to mind the quilting frame hanging from the ceiling in one of his grandmother’s bedrooms, where he loved to play. Then, there was the old smokehouse behind her house, which was another special hiding place. Yet, his best place of refuge throughout his early years was his own bedroom, tucked in the middle of their shotgun house. This was a place of safety and security, where God spoke clearly to him about his salvation and call to ministry.

For those who served in the military, the concept of a “fortress” or “refuge” would certainly bring back memories of the bases or forts where they were stationed. These were designed to be places of protection and safety from harm, even with opposing forces around them. The fortified walls and the weapons of defense made these bases a true refuge. That is the picture we find in this comforting psalm, as God is presented in verse 9 as the one “who makes wars cease.”

We all need to find a place of security and safety from the real dangers of this world. We need to know where we can go to feel protected from harm. The psalmist makes it clear to us that this place is in the arms of God. He is always “with us,” ever present to protect us. We can turn to Him at any time, with any problem. May you find comfort and consolation today in the refuge of the Lord!

Serving in love,

Bro. Jim



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