As I am sitting in the comfort of my home, watching and waiting for the rain delay to pass for my Dallas Cowboy’s game to begin, I am thinking about the many people whose lives were turned upside down by the recent Hurricane Helene. With a death count up to 230 people, and still counting, this storm left many families devastated. The extensive damage to cities, homes and properties in multiple states is disturbing to witness, even on television news or social media accounts.
I have had personal encounters with severe weather, including a tornado passing within fifty yards of our brand-new church building in Northeast Texas. We were blessed that this frightening funnel did not hit anything more than a neighboring barn. Yet, the sight and sounds of that threatening storm will never be forgotten. The ice and snow that we experienced at the first of this year in Memphis did not cause such destruction as this hurricane, but it did create some treacherous travel situations. And, we in Memphis, have lived with the threat of an eventual earthquake for decades.
No matter what we might think about this situation, the reality is that these areas are going to be years rebuilding what was lost. The immediate needs are for support and help in providing basic necessities, such as food and water. Additionally, generators are needed due to the power failures that will take a long time to restore. The problem of delivering the supplies to remote areas is being met by mule trains and helicopters. It is mind-boggling to think that there are still people who are unaccounted for and/or unreached by the many rescue teams.
While we cannot all pack up and go to the areas where the damage occurred, we can all be involved in the relief efforts. First, and foremost, we can all pray for those who are affected and for those who are helping. We can pray for God to give strength to those who are serving and to provide opportunities for them to share the Good News of Jesus. We can also give, as we are able, to help with the recovery efforts. We need to be sure that we are giving to responsible and reliable venues, such as organizations like the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, Samaritan’s Purse, or some local churches in the area. It brings me great joy to know that our church’s history of faithful giving to the “Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions” is helping with the disaster relief efforts in our own state, as well as neighboring states. Let us continue to pray for all those involved in this relief effort!
Serving in love,
Bro. Jim