FROM YOUR PASTOR’S HEART September 23, 2024
First Baptist Church of Rockdale, Texas was a major influence in the early life of the boy “Growing Up on Dump Ground Road,” When I talk about “the church,” I do not mean the building located on the corner of East Bell Avenue and Green Street. That was the place where “the church” gathered. This young man’s life was shaped and molded by the loving, caring people who came together there each week to offer praise and worship to the Lord Jesus Christ.
For the DGR kid to ask, “Are we going to church?” on a Sunday would have been as foolish as to ask, “Are we going to school?” on a weekday during the school year. If it was Sunday and he was not sick, then he was going to church. In fact, he was there on Sunday mornings for Sunday School and Worship, on Sunday evenings for Training Union and Worship, and on Wednesday nights for Royal Ambassadors, while his sisters attended Girls in Action. During the summer, he was also there for two weeks of Vacation Bible School. Attending church was never an option, but an expectation.
First Baptist Church was a part of his life from the nursery until he left home for college. It was there that he came to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and was baptized at age 9. This church was the first to hear him preach, as a 16-year-old boy. At the recommendation of his pastor, Rev. D. D. Simpson, the church licensed him to the ministry and encouraged him in his calling. Even as a college student, there were people in the church who supported him with their prayers and their gifts. His understanding of the Word of God and the will of God was largely impacted by teaching and preaching he heard while attending this great church.
This past Sunday, First Baptist Church of Rockdale celebrated their 150th Anniversary. While the man who God grew from that DGR kid was unable to attend the services, I rejoice in this milestone for my “home church.” We were able to attend a few weeks ago, while in town for a family wedding. It was a blessing to be with family and friends, joining together for worship of the Lord. It was a joy to see the baptism of some new believers in that service. I praise God that this church continues to minister to this city, as they did the DGR kid. May the Lord use the church as His Lighthouse, sharing the light and love of Jesus Christ with the whole world!
Serving in love,
Bro. Jim