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FROM YOUR PASTOR’S HEART September 9, 2024

Whether you are a sports fan or not, it is hard to miss the fact that football season has arrived. For those of us who enjoy watching our favorite teams play, this is an exciting time of year. For the people who detest or are disinterested in the games, this season is one of distractions and disruptions of their favorite television viewing. Fortunately, they have plenty of other channels to pick from and other program choices.

For some of us, this is more than just a time for viewing college and/or professional athletes at work. Football season offers the chance to see our children or grandchildren performing with their school teams. I always enjoyed watching my own sons play on Friday nights in high school. My daughter was also a cheerleader, giving us another reason to attend their games. Now, we are enjoying watching our grandchildren, as they participate in games. We have two grandsons playing on a football team and a granddaughter serving as a team manager, also known as the “water girl.” These are busy times, as they play on differing days.

While not everyone is a football fan, we can all see the benefits of working together as a team. We can see this in the workplace, where a spirit of comradery is beneficial for all concerned. We can also see this within the church family, where God’s people are instructed to work together as one body. The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 about the need for unity within the body of Christ, despite the diversity that exists in the Church. We read in verse 20: “But now indeed there are many members, but one body.” He adds in verse 27: “Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.” We may come from various backgrounds and upbringings, but we are all essential parts of the body of Christ and valuable members of His team, the Church.

I am grateful to serve as Pastor of a Church that understands the importance of working together for the cause of Christ. It is a joy to see our people encouraging one another and supporting one another, both in good times and in tough times. It is a blessing to watch the sweet spirit that is demonstrated, as our people gather for worship each Sunday. You make me proud to be the “Coach” of such a dedicated and determined “Team” for Jesus!

Serving in love,

Bro. Jim



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